Website Terms of Use

Version of: February 1st, 2018
Updated: January 1st, 2024

Curaytor LLC (“Curaytor”) operates each website (“Site”) that links to these Terms of Use to provide online access to information about Curaytor and our products, services, and opportunities. Use of our sales and marketing software and service platform (“Platform”) is also governed by our separately provided Service Terms.

By accessing and using the Site, you agree to these Terms of Use.

Curaytor reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use at any time without giving you prior notice. Your use of the Site following any such modification constitutes your agreement to follow and be bound by these Terms of Use as modified. The last date these Terms of Use were revised is set forth above.

Everyday language summaries are provided for your benefit but are not legally binding.

1. Permitted Use of the Site

You may use the Site, and the information, writings, images, videos, and/or other works that you see, hear or otherwise experience on the Site (singly or collectively, the “Content”) solely for your non-commercial, personal purposes, for your own educational purposes, and/or to learn about Curaytor products and services, and solely in compliance with these Terms of Use.

Our Content is provided for your educational purposes and to inform you about our products and services.

2. Prohibited Use of the Site

By accessing the Site, you agree that you will not:

  • Use the Site in violation of these Terms of Use;
  • Use the Site in violation of the terms of Curaytor's Acceptable Use Policy attached hereto;
  • Copy, modify, create a derivative work from, reverse engineer or reverse assemble the Site, or otherwise attempt to discover any source code, or allow any third party to do so;
  • Sell, assign, sublicense, distribute, commercially exploit, grant a security interest in or otherwise transfer any right in, or make available to a third party, the Content or any Site, our Platform, or other products and services we provide (collectively, the Site, Platform, and other products and services are our “Service”) in any way;
  • Use or launch any automated system, including without limitation, “robots,” “spiders,” or “offline readers,” that accesses the Site in a manner that sends more request messages to the Curaytor servers in a given period of time than a human can reasonably produce in the same period by using a conventional on-line web browser;
  • Use the Site in any manner that damages, disables, overburdens, or impairs any Curaytor website or interferes with any other party's use and enjoyment of the Site;
  • Mirror or frame the Site or any part of it on any other web site or web page;
  • Attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Site;
  • Access the Site by any means other than through the interface that is provided by Curaytor for use in accessing the Site;
  • Use the Site for any purpose or in any manner that is unlawful.

Any unauthorized use of any Content or the Site may violate patent, copyright, trademark, and other laws.

Don’t use our Content or Site illegally or abusively. Comply with our Acceptable Use Policy.

3. Copyrights and Trademarks

The Site is based upon proprietary Curaytor technology and includes the Content. The Site is protected by applicable intellectual property and other laws, including trademark and copyright laws. The Site, including all intellectual property rights in the Site, belongs to and is the property of Curaytor or its licensors (if any). Curaytor owns and retains all copyrights in the Content. Except as specifically permitted on the Site as to certain Content, the Content may not be copied, reproduced, modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, performed, or distributed in any way, and you agree not to modify, rent, lease, loan, sell, distribute, transmit, broadcast, or create derivative works based on the Content or the Site, in whole or in part, by any means. CURAYTOR, the Curaytor logos, and other marks used by Curaytor from time to time are trademarks and the property of Curaytor. The appearance, layout, color scheme, and design of the Site are protected trade dress. Customer does not receive any right or license to use the foregoing. Curaytor may use and incorporate into the Site or our Service any suggestions or other feedback you provide, without payment or condition.

Pursuant to Title 17, United States Code, Section 512(c)(2), notifications of claimed copyright infringement on the Site or the Service should be sent to Curaytor’s designated Copyright Agent. See the Claims of Copyright Infringement instructions below.

The Site and Content belong to us. You are not allowed to re-use it for your own purposes unless we give permission. If you think we have infringed any of your copyrights, see the Claims of Copyright Infringement section below.

4. Information and Materials You Post or Provide

You represent that you have all right, title, and interest to materials you post on the Site or provide to Curaytor (“Materials”), including but not limited to any consent, authorization, release, clearance or license from any third party (such as, but not limited to, any release related to rights of privacy or publicity) necessary for you to provide, post, upload, input or submit the Materials, and that posting such Materials does not violate or constitute the infringement of any patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret, right of privacy, right of publicity, moral rights, or other intellectual property right recognized by any applicable jurisdiction of any person or entity, or otherwise constitute the breach of any agreement with any other person or entity. You further represent and warrant that you are who you say you are, that you have not submitted fictitious, false or inaccurate information about yourself, and that all information contained in the posted Materials is true and your own work or work you are authorized to submit, and that the posted Materials do not contain any threatening, harassing, libelous, false, defamatory, offensive, obscene, or pornographic, material, or other material that would violate any other applicable law or regulation. You agree that you will not knowingly and with intent to defraud provide material and misleading information. You represent and warrant that the Materials you supply do not violate these Terms of Use.

You have the rights to provide any Material you post to the Site or provide to us. You will not supply any Material that is false, illegal or offensive.

5. Links to Third-Party Web Sites

Links on the Site to third party web sites or information are provided solely as a convenience to you. If you use these links, you will leave the Site. Such links do not constitute or imply an endorsement, sponsorship, or recommendation by Curaytor of the third party, the third-party web site, or the information there. Curaytor is not responsible for the availability of any such web sites. Curaytor is not responsible or liable for any such web sites or the content thereon. If you use the links to the web sites of Curaytor affiliates or service providers, you will leave the Site and will be subject to the terms of use and privacy policy applicable to those web sites.

Curaytor might provide convenience links to third party sites, but we are not responsible for them.

6. Downloading Files

Curaytor cannot and does not guarantee or warrant that files available for downloading through the Site will be free of infection by software viruses or other harmful computer code, files or programs.

Files you download from us are not guaranteed as virus-free.

7. Disclaimers; Limitations of Liability




We provide the Site and the Content on an “as is” basis and broadly disclaim liability to you.

8. Indemnification

You understand and agree that you are personally responsible for your behavior on the Site. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Curaytor, its parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliated companies, joint venturers, business partners, licensors, employees, agents, and any third-party information providers from and against all claims, losses, expenses, damages and costs (including, but not limited to, direct, incidental, consequential, exemplary and indirect damages), and reasonable attorneys’ fees, resulting from or arising out of your use, misuse, or inability to use the Site or the Content, or any violation by you of these Terms of Use.

You will hold us harmless from any damages arising out of your use of the Site or the Content or violation of these Terms of Use.

9. Privacy

Your use of the Site is subject to Curaytor's Privacy Policy, available at the link provided on the Site.

Your use of the Site is subject to our Privacy Policy.

10. Additional Terms of Service

If you are a customer of Curaytor or an employee, representative or agent of a Curaytor customer, your use of the Curaytor Service is subject to Curaytor’s Service Terms or other separate agreement with Curaytor.

Our customers also enter into a separate customer agreement with us. Others may also do so.

11. General Provisions

a. Entire Agreement/No Waiver/Order of Precedence. These Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. No waiver by Curaytor of any breach or default hereunder shall be deemed to be a waiver of any preceding or subsequent breach or default. To the extent you and Curaytor have entered into Service Terms or another separate written agreement for the Platform, such separate agreement shall prevail in the event of any inconsistency with these Terms of Use.

These Terms of Use are our entire agreement with you unless you have also entered into a separate agreement with us.

b. Correction of Errors and Inaccuracies. The Content may contain typographical errors or other errors or inaccuracies and may not be complete or current. Curaytor therefore reserves the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update the Content at any time without prior notice. Curaytor does not, however, guarantee that any errors, inaccuracies or omissions will be corrected.

We may correct errors in the Content but are not obligated to do so.

c. Enforcement/ Choice of Law/ Choice of Forum. If any part of these Terms of Use is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, it will not impact any other provision of these Terms of Use, all of which will remain in full force and effect. Any and all disputes relating to these Terms of Use, Curaytor’s Privacy Policy, your use of the Site, any other Curaytor website or the Content are governed by, and will be interpreted in accordance with, the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, without regard to any conflict of laws provisions. You agree to the sole and exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the federal or state courts in Boston, Massachusetts in the event of any dispute of any kind arising from or relating to these Terms of Use, Curaytor's Privacy Policy, your use of the Site, any other Curaytor web site or the Content, except that Curaytor reserves the right to seek or enforce injunctive or other equitable relief in any court with jurisdiction.

These Terms of Use and your use of the Site and Content are subject to Massachusetts law and courts.

(c) 2024 Curaytor LLC. All rights reserved


Claims of Copyright Infringement

DMCA Notices

Curaytor respects the intellectual property rights of others, and we ask our users to do the same. Curaytor may, in its sole discretion, suspend the access or terminate the accounts of users who violate others’ intellectual property rights.

If you believe that your work has been copied in a way that constitutes infringement on Curaytor’s website, please provide the following information to Curaytor’s Copyright Agent:

  1. A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed (“Complaining Party”);
  2. Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or if multiple copyrighted works at a single online site are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works at that site;
  3. Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit Curaytor to locate the material;
  4. Information reasonably sufficient to permit Curaytor to contact the Complaining Party, such as an address, telephone number, and if available, an electronic mail address at which the complaining party may be contacted;
  5. A statement that the Complaining Party has a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and
  6. A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the Complaining Party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

The Curaytor Copyright Agent for notice of claims of copyright infringement on or relating to this website (“Notifications”) can be reached either by sending an e-mail to [email protected] or by sending a letter via U.S. Mail to: 745 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, MA 02111, Attn: Curaytor Copyright Agent.


Acceptable Use Policy

This Acceptable Use Policy (“AUP”) applies to the use of any website, Platform or other Service provided by us (Curaytor), whether we provide it directly or use another party to provide it to you. This AUP is designed to ensure compliance with the laws and regulations that apply to the Service. This AUP also protects the interests of all of our clients and their customers, as well as our goodwill and reputation. These terms are so important that we cannot provide the Service unless you agree to them. By using the Service, you are agreeing to these terms.

If you are using any Service, this AUP applies to you. You are not allowed to assist or engage others in a way that would violate this AUP. We will enforce and ensure compliance with this AUP by using methods we consider to be appropriate, such as complaint and email failure monitoring.

No SPAM Permitted

You may not use our Service in any way (directly or indirectly) to send, transmit, handle, distribute or deliver: (a) unsolicited email (“spam” or “spamming”) in violation of the CAN-SPAM Act (referenced below) or any other law; (b) email to an address obtained via Internet harvesting methods or any surreptitious methods (e.g., scraping or harvesting); (c) email to an address that is incomplete, inaccurate and/or not updated for all applicable opt-out notifications, using best efforts and best practices in the industry, or (d) commercial electronic messages in violation of Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (referenced below).

Prohibited Email Content and Formatting; Email Best Practices

Email sent, or caused to be sent to or through our Service may not: (a) use or contain invalid or forged headers; (b) use or contain invalid or non-existent domain names; (c) employ any technique to otherwise misrepresent, hide or obscure any information in identifying the point of origin or the transmission path; (d) use other means of deceptive addressing; (e) use a third party's internet domain name without their consent, or be relayed from or through a third party's equipment without the third party’s permission; (f) contain false or misleading information in the subject line or otherwise contain false or misleading content; or (g) unless otherwise authorized by us, use our trademark(s), tagline(s), or logo(s) without our prior written consent and only then pursuant to our trademark usage guidelines. You are prohibited from using the Service to email purchased lists.

Email Opt-out Requirements

You warrant that each email you send or is sent for you using our Service will contain: (a) header information that is not false or misleading; (b) an advisement that the recipient may unsubscribe, opt-out or otherwise demand that use of its information for unsolicited, impermissible and/or inappropriate communication(s) as described in this AUP be stopped (and how the recipient can notify you that it wants to unsubscribe, opt-out, or stop this use of its information); and (c) all information required by Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation. These requirements may not apply if the email sent is a transactional email and these requirements are not otherwise required by law. You warrant that you will promptly comply with all opt-out, unsubscribe, “do not call” and “do not send” requests.

Telephone Marketing

You must comply with all laws relating to telephone marketing, including without limitation those specifically referenced in the ‘Proper Usage of Our Service’ section below. You must comply with all laws related to the recording of phone calls and ensure all proper consent to record is obtained prior to making any such recording. If you use our Service to place telephone calls, you must also comply with all applicable industry standards.

No Disruption

You agree not to use our Service in a way that impacts the normal operation, privacy, integrity or security of another's property. Another’s property includes another’s account(s), domain name(s), URL(s), website(s), network(s), system(s), facilities, equipment, data, other information, or business operations. You also agree not to use our Service to gain unauthorized access to, use, monitor, make an unauthorized reference to, another’s property, unless you have the appropriate express prior consent to do so. Examples of prohibited actions include (without limitation): hacking, spoofing, denial of service, mailbombing and/or sending any email that contains or transmits any virus or propagating worm(s), or any malware, whether spyware, adware or other such file or program. These restrictions apply regardless of your intent and whether or not you act intentionally or unintentionally.

Proper Usage of Our Service

In addition, and without limiting the other requirements in this AUP, you may not (directly or indirectly) use our Service with content, or in a manner that:

  • is threatening, abusive, harassing, stalking, or defamatory;
  • is deceptive, false, misleading or fraudulent;
  • is invasive of another's privacy or otherwise violates another’s legal rights (such as rights of privacy and publicity);
  • contains vulgar, obscene, indecent or unlawful material;
  • infringes a third party's intellectual property right(s);
  • publishes, posts, uploads, or otherwise distributes any software, music, videos, or other material protected by intellectual property laws (or by rights of privacy or publicity) unless you have all necessary rights and consents to do so;
  • uploads files that contain viruses, corrupted files, or any other similar software or programs that may damage the operation of another person's computer;
  • downloads any file that you know, or reasonably should know, cannot be legally distributed in that way;
  • falsifies or deletes any author attributions, legal or proprietary designations, labels of the origin or source of software, or other material contained in a file that is uploaded;
  • restricts or inhibits any other user of our Service from using and enjoying our website and/or our Service;
  • harvests or otherwise collects information about others, including e-mail addresses, without their consent;
  • violates the usage standards or rules of an entity affected by your use, including without limitation any ISP, ESP, or news or user group (and including by way of example and not limitation circumventing or exceeding equipment use rights and restrictions and/or location and path identification detail);
  • is legally actionable between private parties; and/or
  • is in violation of any applicable local, state, national or international law or regulation, including all export laws and regulations and without limitation the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act (CAN-SPAM Act) (15 U.S.C. § 7701 et seq.), the U.S Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 (47 U.S.C. § 227), the Do-Not-Call Implementation Act of 2003 (15 U.S.C. § 6152 et seq.; originally codified at § 6101 note), Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) (S.C. 2010, c. 23), and any regulations having the force of law or laws in force in your or your email recipient's country of residence.

You will use our Service for your internal business purposes and will not: (i) willfully tamper with the security of our Service or tamper with our customer accounts; (ii) access data on our Service not intended for you; (iii) log into a server or account on our Service that you are not authorized to access; (iv) attempt to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of our Service or to breach the security or authentication measures without proper authorization; (v) willfully render any part of our Service unusable; (vi) lease, distribute, license, sell or otherwise commercially exploit our Service or make our Service available to a third party other than as contemplated in your subscription to our Service; (vii) use our Service for timesharing or service bureau purposes or otherwise for the benefit of a third party; or (viii) provide to third parties any evaluation version of our Service without our prior written consent.

Curaytor Trademark Use

Unless you have our express prior written permission, you may not use any name, logo, tagline or other mark of ours or our Service, or any identifier or tag generated by our Service, including without limitation: (a) as a hypertext link to any website or other location (except as provided for or enabled expressly by us); (b) to imply identification with us as an employee, contractor, agent or other similar representative capacity. You also agree not to remove or alter any of these items as we may have provided or enabled.

General Terms

If you breach of this AUP we may immediately suspend your access to our Service. We may also terminate your and our subscription agreement for cause if you breach this AUP. You acknowledge we may disclose information regarding your use of any Service to satisfy any law, regulation, government request, court order, subpoena or other legal process. If we make this type of required disclosure we will notify you, unless we are required to keep the disclosure confidential.

We are not obligated to, but may choose to, remove any prohibited materials and deny access to any person who violates this AUP. We further reserve all other rights.

We may update and change any part or all of this AUP. If we update or change this AUP, we will let you know by posting the revised copy on our website. The updated AUP will become effective and binding on the next business day after it is posted. When we change this AUP, the “Version of” date above will be updated to reflect the date of the most recent version. We encourage you to review this AUP periodically.

Privacy Policy

Revised: January 1st, 2024

We at Curaytor LLC (“Curaytor” or “we” or “us” or “our”) know that your privacy is important. This privacy policy (“Policy”) is designed to assist you in understanding how we will collect and use the information you provide when you use our publicly available website at and (together, the “Sites”), our sales and marketing software and service platform (our “Platform”), and other related services on which we post a direct link to this privacy policy (collectively, the “Services”).

Please read this Policy to learn more about the ways in which we collect and use your information. If we make any material changes to this Policy, we will notify you in accordance with the process described in the “Revisions or Changes” section of this Policy, below. By using our Services, you consent to our collection, use, and disclosure of your information as described in this Policy.

This Policy is not exclusive. In particular, if you use our Platform, the data that you and your customers submit as you use our Platform will be further governed by the applicable Curaytor agreement and as required by law.

For the purposes of our Policy, when we refer to “you” or to a “client” we mean any past, current or prospective client or customer of Curaytor, including any visitor to one of our Sites.

Everyday language summaries are provided for your benefit but are not legally binding.

This is our Privacy Policy. It applies to our websites and our marketing platform.

Collection of Personal Information

What We Collect. In some situations you may provide us with your personally identifiable information, which could include your name, street address, telephone number, email address, job title, payment card number, other financial account number(s), mother’s maiden name or other family names, date and place of birth, photographic image, and any other information we collect about you that by itself is not personally identifiable information but if combined with personally identifiable information could be used to personally identify you.

You may provide us with personally identifiable information when you complete a survey; make a purchase; request customer support; subscribe to certain services, email notifications and/or newsletters; register for our Platform, or register and/or set up an account/profile to access, visit and/or use certain portions of our Sites; provide comments, reviews, feedback, or testimonials about our products or Services; and any other transactions between you and us on or in relation to our Services.

We may use your email and other addresses and contact information for customer support, required notifications, product and policy updates, and sales and marketing purposes, but we will not use this information for anything else not described in this Policy.

We may collect your name and other information that identifies you. We will use that information for customer support, required notifications, product and policy updates, and sales and marketing purposes.

Information We Automatically Collect. When you access our Sites whether by computer, mobile phone or other device, we automatically collect certain information about your use of our Sites (this information may include without limitation: geographical location and IDs of your computer, mobile or other device; bandwidth used; system and connection performance; browser type and version; operating system; referral source; length of visit; page views; IP address or other unique identifier for your computer, mobile phone or other device; and your mobile carrier) using technologies such as cookies and web beacons.

We automatically collect technical and other information when you visit our Sites.

Data Integrity and Security. We use reasonable and diligent efforts to maintain accurate information on our customers, and have adopted and implemented reasonable industry standard security procedures to protect any such information collected. We constantly monitor our systems, which are protected using industry-standard security measures. Although Curaytor will use reasonable efforts to secure network communications and our Sites, we cannot guarantee that the information submitted to, maintained on, or transmitted from our systems will be completely secure.

We try hard to protect your information but cannot guaranty its security.

Access to Client Information; Updating Client Information. A client may (i) access any of their personally identifiable information that we collect and maintain, or (ii) correct, update or delete their personally identifiable information maintained by us, in each case by contacting us by telephone or mail using the contact information provided below. We will try and respond to your request promptly and in all cases within 30 days. To protect client privacy and security, we reserve the right to take reasonable steps to verify a client’s identity prior to granting access to or processing changes or corrections to such information. We will retain a client’s personal information for so long as its account is active or as reasonably needed by us to provide our Services. We may also retain and use such information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.

Contact us if you need to access, change or delete your information.

How We Use Personal Information

General. Curaytor may use personally identifiable information to: respond to your inquiries, and/or address other requests or questions; enable your use of the Services; contact you regarding your purchase; consider and respond to your job application; collect payments from you; deliver Services purchased or ordered by you, including through our Platform; send you information and updates related to your purchases; invoice you; email notifications that you have specifically requested; email marketing communications relating to our business that we think may be of interest to you; and email messages containing company news, product or service information. We may also use information collected through our Sites for research regarding the effectiveness of the Sites, the Services, and related marketing, advertising and sales efforts. We may disclose your personally identifiable information (i) to the extent required by law or if we have a good-faith belief that such disclosure is necessary in order to comply with official investigations or legal proceedings initiated by governmental and/or law enforcement officials, or private parties, including but not limited to: in response to subpoenas, search warrants, or court orders; (ii) if we sell or transfer all or a portion of our company’s business interests, assets, or both, or in connection with a corporate merger, consolidation, restructuring, or other company change, or (iii) as otherwise disclosed in the terms and conditions of our agreements with clients, including the separately provided Service Terms applicable to our Services. If you are a resident of California, please reference the California Residents section of NextRoll's Service Privacy Notice. For more information about this disclosure see AdRoll's CCPA article. If you would like to opt-out of the mentioned data collection, please visit these sites where you can make this change: DAANAI, or EDAA.

We may use your personal information to conduct business with you, market our business to you, and generally improve our business. We may also disclose your information as required by law, if we sell our business, or as we otherwise agree with you.

Email. We may communicate with a client through email using the client’s personal contact information on file in our systems to inform the client of new products, important industry news or information about Services, and upgrades provided by Curaytor.

We may email you about our business or relevant news.

Disclosures to Third Parties - General. We may disclose information collected from a client to our independent contractors and business partners who have agreed to (i) hold this information in confidence and (ii) not use it for any purpose except to carry out the services they are providing for Curaytor. Such contractors and business partners include those hosting our Services or other data; managing the functionality of our Services; hosting client relationship management, marketing automation, customer service and other software platforms on our behalf; processing credit or other payment card payments; collecting delinquent accounts; fulfilling and processing orders; delivering products you have ordered; conducting background checks if you submit an application for employment; assisting with marketing and promotions; and enabling us to send you email.

We may disclose your information to our contractors and business partners who have agreed to hold it in confidence and use it only for the services they provide to us.

Disclosures to Third Parties - Specific. Curaytor has a number of partner programs designed to maximize our clients’ ability to use our Services and to purchase or use complementary products and services that may be used in tandem with our Services. We may disclose information collected from a client to one or more trusted partners for the purpose of such partner(s) providing assistance to the client in its use of the Services and for the purpose of marketing complementary or value-add products and services to the client. In each case such trusted partner will have agreed to (i) hold this information in confidence, and (ii) not use it for any purpose except for the purposes described above.

Data will not be sold or shared with third parties for promotional or marketing purposes.

Disclosures of Aggregate Information. Curaytor may also disclose aggregate, anonymous data based on information collected from clients. Should a sale of Curaytor’s business ever occur, collected client information may be transferred along with the sale but the information will be treated in the same manner as set forth in this Policy. In the event of any significant changes to the manner in which your information is handled, we would notify you by a prominent notice on the Sites or by email.

We may use your information on an anonymous basis when aggregating data. We may transfer your information if we sell our business.

Disclosures Made by You within Interactive Areas of a Site. If you use a bulletin board, blog, comment or discussion forum or chat room (collectively, “forums”) made available on a Site or on Facebook, you should be aware that any personally identifiable information you submit there can be read, collected, or used by other users of these forums, and could be used to send you unsolicited messages, and could be potentially searchable through search engines. We are not responsible for the potential misuse by third parties of any personally identifiable information that you choose to submit in these various forums.

Forums or similar portions of our Sites or third party sites may have different, looser rules regarding your personal information.

Other General Policies Relating to Privacy

Disclosures by Children. We believe that protecting the privacy of the very young is especially important and for that reason we will never collect or maintain information on our Sites from those we actually know are under the age of 13, and no part of our Sites is structured to attract anyone under 13.

We do not design our Sites to attract children under 13 and will not collect or maintain information from them.

Third Party Sites. Our Sites may contain links to third party websites. Please note that the privacy and other policies of any such third party website may differ materially from this Policy. We strongly recommend that clients review the privacy policies of any such third party prior to submitting personally identifiable information. Curaytor has no control over and is not responsible for the information practices of other websites, including those to which we may link and those which may link to us.

Third party sites are governed by their own privacy policies.

Use of Widgets. We may provide widgets on our Sites that make it possible to share information on third-party platforms. These widgets do not store your personally identifiable information. Our Sites may also include social media features, such as the Facebook® or Twitter® button and similar widgets and interactive mini-programs that run on our Sites (each, a “Feature”). To the extent we use these Features, they may collect your IP address, which page you are visiting on our Sites, and may set a cookie to enable the Feature to function properly. Social media Features and widgets are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on our Sites. Your interactions with these Features are governed by the privacy statement of the company providing the Feature or widget.

Any features, widgets or mini-programs provided by or for social media sites or other third parties may collect personal information and are subject to the privacy polies of those third parties.

Use of Cookies. When you interact with the Sites, we try to make that experience simple and meaningful. When you visit our Sites, our web server sends a cookie to your computer. Cookies are files that web browsers place on a computer’s hard drive and are used to indicate whether you have visited the Sites previously. The data collected may include how you navigate around a web page and the most commonly clicked links on a specific web page. Certain technical information, such as your browser version and operating system, are also collected. You can configure your browser to accept all cookies, reject all cookies, or notify you when a cookie is set (each browser is different, so check the “Help” menu of your browser to learn how to change your cookie preferences). We use cookies for a number of purposes, including to: access a client’s account information when a client logs into a Site, so that we can provide the client with customized content, keep track of preferences you specify while you are using the Services, and to estimate and report total audience size (unique users) and traffic for our Sites, and to conduct research to improve the content and services of our Sites.

Our Sites use cookies. Your browser probably lets you control whether it allows the use of cookies.

Web Beacons. We may use web beacons to access cookies and count users who visit our Sites or open our HTML-formatted email messages. Web beacons are single-pixel graphic files with a unique identifier, similar to cookies. Web beacons are embedded invisibly on web pages and emails and are stored on a user’s hard drive. You can modify your browser settings to control web beacons.

Our Sites may use web beacons. Your browser probably lets you control web beacons.

Third-Party Cookies. We may also from time to time engage third parties to track and analyze non-personally identifiable usage and volume statistical information from visitors to our Sites to help us administer our Sites and improve their quality. Such third parties may use cookies and web beacons to help track visitor behavior. Such cookies and web beacons may track how you interact with a Site through the use of cookies and the data collected may include how you navigate around a web page and the most commonly clicked links on a specific web page. Certain technical information, such as your browser version and operating system, may also be collected. If collected, this information will be used by us to evaluate and, if necessary, modify the relevant Site to improve the functions and ultimately, make it easier for clients to use. None of your personally identifiable information, that is, your name, address, or phone number, is collected through such collections.

We may engage third parties to help us run our Sites. These third parties may also use cookies and web beacons.

Behavioral Targeting/Re-Targeting. We may partner with third party ad networks to either display advertising on our Sites or to manage our advertising on other websites. Any such ad network partners may use cookies and web beacons to collect non-personally identifiable information about your activities on our Sites and other websites to provide you targeted advertising based upon your interests. To opt out of this type of cookies, visit the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) website by visiting Even if you opt out through the NAI website, you can still receive communications you have signed up to receive from us unless you opt out of those by using the information in the “Opting Out” section of this Policy.

Our advertising partners may also use cookies and web beacons to provide you targeted advertising.

Use of Testimonials. We may select and post client testimonials on our Services, which may contain personally identifiable information such as your name and/or the city, state, or country in which you live. We will obtain your consent prior to posting any testimonial with your name. If you post such content, it will be available to other users of the Services. Your posting may also become public and we cannot prevent such information from being used in a manner that may violate this Policy or the law. If you would like us to remove or delete your name or testimonial from our Services, you may contact Curaytor using the information in the “How to Contact Us” section of this Policy. Note that copies of information that you have updated, modified, or deleted may remain viewable in cached and archived pages of our Sites for a period of time.

If we post a client testimonial with your name or other identifying information, it will become visible by third parties or even become public.

Reviews. We may post client reviews on our Sites or Services, which may contain personally identifiable information such as your name and/or the city, state, or country in which you live. When submitting your review you are giving us permission to post your review on our Sites or Services. If you post such content, it will be available to other users of the Sites or Services. Your posting may also become public and we cannot prevent such information from being used in a manner that may violate this Policy or the law. If you would like us to remove your name or review from our Sites or Services, you may contact Curaytor using the information in the “How to Contact Us” section of this Policy. Note that copies of information that you have updated, modified, or deleted may remain viewable in cached and archived pages of our Sites for a period of time.

If we post a client review with your name or other identifying information, it will become visible by third parties or even become public.

Governing Law; Superseding Contract Terms. By choosing to visit and interact with Curaytor, you agree that your visit and any dispute regarding the protection of your privacy during such visit is subject to this Policy and the choice of law and dispute resolution provisions in our separate terms of use and/or Service Terms applicable to the Services relating to the dispute. To the extent a client enters into other contractual agreements with Curaytor, the privacy terms and conditions of such agreements (including the separate Service Terms applicable to the use of our Platform) supplement or supersede portions of this Policy to the extent of any inconsistency between this Policy and such agreements. Please note that the nature of the marketing and sales services provided by our Platforms means that clients using the Platform will frequently and routinely make your personally identifying information available to third parties or the public as part of the ordinary operation of the Platform. This disclosure may take place on Facebook and other social media channels.

Our other terms and agreements with you control dispute resolution and may have different privacy terms. If you use our marketing Platform, you will be making your name and other personally identifying information available to the public.

Revisions or Changes. Curaytor reserves the right to change this Policy and other policies prospectively at any time, subject to applicable laws and regulations, by posting a revised Policy on the Sites. Regardless of later updates or changes to our Policy, we will never use the information you submit under our current Policy in a new way without first providing you an opportunity to opt out or otherwise prevent such use.

We can change this Policy from time to time.

Opting Out. You may opt out of having your personally identifiable information shared with third parties for reasons other than for the express purpose of delivering the purchased product or service requested and except as required by law. To do this, you may contact our Privacy Officer using the information in the “How to Contact Us” section of this Policy. You may opt out of receiving future promotional/marketing messages from us by contacting our Privacy Officer as described above or by clicking the “Unsubscribe” link found in our email messages. Please note that if you opt out of promotional/marketing messages, you may continue to receive certain communications from us, such as administrative and services announcements and/or messages about your account/profile.

You can opt out of promotional and marketing messages from us.

How To Contact Us. If you have any questions or concerns about this Policy or the way your information is being used by Curaytor, or should you wish to contact us for any other reason described in this Policy, you can contact us (i) by email directed to [email protected] or (ii) by mail addressed to Curaytor LLC, 745 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, MA 02111, Attn: Curaytor.

Effective Date of Policy. This Policy was last updated as of the last date set forth above. If you would like to see an earlier version of this Policy, please contact us using one of the methods set forth above and specify the applicable date or time period for the prior Policy version requested.

© 2024 Curaytor LLC. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved by Curaytor.

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